Our local emergency planning program focuses on ensuring that every resident in the Park City area is prepared for any potentially dangerous situation. From CPR and first aid training to our LECP (local emergency planning committee) we are focused on involving and enabling community members to be ready for any life-threatening event.
Whatever the event we urge the Park City area to have a 72-hour kit ready at all times, have a solid family communication plan in place, be prepared to shelter in your home for up to three days, and understand the specific dangers to your home and your area (wild fire, severe weather, earthquakes, flooding, etc.). As well, all residents should have a home evacuation plan, family communication plan, for emergency situations. We invite you to join the Summit County CERT (community emergency response team) program to help better prepare you for the types of emergencies or disasters our community may face.
For more information on preparedness please visit Be Ready Utah.
To register for CERT, please visit the Summit County website.