Prepare Your Pet

Round Out Your Preparedness Plan

Preparedness for your petIt’s September, and it’s naturally the time to begin preparing for winter—in fact it’s National Preparedness month. In Park City this includes waxing your skis, chopping some firewood, and busting out your winter gear. However, more importantly, it also includes reminding our local community to prepare for emergencies, from natural disasters to fires. As a part of the push to prepare your family for an emergency, we’d like to remind you to prepare to take care of your pets in the event of an emergency.

As September is National Emergency Preparedness Month, we urge you to go over your family’s escape plan, meeting site, and ensure you have your 72-hour emergency kit at the ready. As well, we urge you to take a few steps to make evacuating and taking care of your pets a simple and quick process, in order to get your entire family out of danger as soon as possible.

When preparing for a possible emergency with your pets, you should:

  • Have a crate or leash ready to secure your pet and get them to your family meeting area or your car
  • Have your pet’s documentation with your own personal important documents. Passports, medical information, and your pet’s veterinarian information are all important to your family—keep them together
  • Create a kit for your pet including: 5-7 days of food, a can opener, food dishes, water (should be a part of your family 72-hour kit), collars and harnesses, bedding and toys, and any medication your pet might need
  • A list of important phone numbers. This list should include: veterinarian’s phone numbers, animal control’s phone number, any animal shelters that you may use or are local, and any friends’ numbers who may be able to take care of your pet if necessary.

Being sure you are prepared in an emergency is vital for you and your family. Your pets are an important part of your family and your family’s lives, so be sure you’re ready to take care of them in an emergency event.