Recreational Fire Pit Guidelines


Campfires must be contained within a pit 18 inches deep into mineral soil absent of roots or any other organic materials, or a ring made of solid noncombustible material that is at least 18 inches in height that will contain fuel, wood, or coals while shielding the ashes from being blown by the wind. Aboveground store-bought fire pits, when used as the manufacturer requires, are also allowed. 


Fires must be at least 25 feet away from any combustible vegetation or structures, vertically and horizontally. Fire resistant vegetation as part of the landscaping is excluded. In-use fire fuels must be contained in the pit and must be no larger than three feet in diameter and two feet tall. 


  • One competent person, 18 years of age or older, must attend the fire at all times.
  •  Ten gallons or more of water must be dedicated and immediately available on-site for fire suppression (During level 1 fire restrictions, running water is required). 
  • In cabin areas at least one standard sized shovel must be dedicated and immediately available on-site for fire suppression.
  • Fires must be completely extinguished and told to the touch when not attended.
  • Personal responsible for escaped or unattended fires are subject to prosecution, fines, loses to others, and suppression costs.
  • Within the city limits of Park City, a permit from the Building Department is required prior to using any type of firepit.