Last fall, The Park City Fire District was contacted by Mac MacQuoid of the Park City Rotary Club who was inquiring where he might purchase a good used ambulance. After explaining why he was looking for an ambulance, Assistant Chief Bob Zanetti worked out a deal with the Summit County Commissioners to sell an ambulance, slated for retirement, to the Rotary Club at an extremely reduced price.
The ambulance has changed owners and undergone a face lift leaving it ready for service in Pueblo Viejo, Michoacán, Mexico. The ambulance will be used to transport patients from a clinic, staffed by a volunteer doctor and nurses, which provides medical care to 2500 people in the surrounding area. Many of the Mexican families that live and work in the Park City area come from the area around Pueblo Viejo in the state of Michoacán.
As soon as the details of shipping, customs, and security are settled, two paramedics from The Park City Fire District will accompany Mr. MacQuoid to Pueblo Viejo. Once there, they will present the ambulance to the community and train the volunteer medical technicians on its use. The Fire District joins the Rotary Club in the excitement of the project and we are delighted to have a part in it.